Sam Barber
Fri, May 03
Sam Barber was raised on a farm in a small town in Southeast Missouri surrounded by a supportive family and an abundance of friends.

Time & Location
May 03, 2024, 7:45 PM – 8:45 PM
Stillwater, Lakeview &, N Country Club Rd, Stillwater, OK 74075, USA
About the event
am Barber was raised on a farm in a small town in Southeast Missouri surrounded by asupportive family and an abundance of friends. Most of his childhood was devoted to athleticswhere he learned many lessons such as the importance of a team, practice, discipline, respectand hard work. Music has not always been his passion and as a child, he never participated inmusic class or music performances. Sam’s music journey has been completely unplanned andhis success continues to astound him. When he was 16, Sam picked up his great grandfather'sGibson, out of tune with 5 strings and fell in love with the art of playing. He soon learned thathe also had the God-given talent to sing along. Sam’s vision is to continue to grow and becomestronger as a vocalist andsongwriter. He wants to deliver songs that people feel in their soul.Above all, he wants to stay true to his faith, the man he truly is, and the type of music he wantsto make without boundaries or conforming.